Monday, September 14, 2009

THOUGHT: Fanatic 01 What God Desires Most Follow Up

The new season has begun.

Ask yourself the question, “What do I worship?” You might be surprised by the answer. Do you spend the same time and energy toward God as you do with sporting events, concerts or even your Wii? Are you as fanatical about showing your praise for God as you are about showing off your shoes? If not, then maybe you’re worshiping the wrong things. Join us for Fanatic.

Objective: To be aware of the things that we value the most and to identify God’s characteristics and His deeds that move us to worship.

What does worship mean for you?

Worship is “giving something value and worth above all else. What in your life do you value the most? What (if anything) have you valued above God in your past?

What do you think it means that you were “made” for worship?

Since worship is a response to who God is and what He has done, who is God to you and what has He done in your life?


For Further Study

Matthew 21:1-11

How would you define worship? Why do many Christians cheer like crazy at sporting events on Saturday and sheepishly sing praise songs to the Lord on Sunday?

What did the gathered crowd place on the road? Why? (21:8) What size crowd participated in welcoming Jesus?(21:8)

What did the crowds shout as Jesus entered Jerusalem? (21:9) How did this "parade" affect those living in Jerusalem? (21:10) What did the crowd accompanying Jesus say about Him to those in the city?(21:11)

If you had lived in Jerusalem during that time, do you think you would have been a follower of Christ or one of the people who looked skeptically at all His activities? How much do you think "the crowds" today understand Jesus' purpose and mission? In what ways do we simplistically "cheer" Jesus? How might we be able to change our city or campus or country if we honoured Christ as King over all? How should worship play a role in your daily life? How can you honour Jesus as King this week? What special gift (time, money, possessions, effort, etc.) of worship can you present to Jesus today?

1 Chronicles 16:7-43

What is your favourite song of worship? Why? When was the last time you felt overwhelmed with thankfulness or gratitude? In what place or location have you most enjoyed worshiping God? What is the subject of the song David wrote? (16:7-36) According to David, why should we give thanks to the Lord? (16:8)

What should people tell others about God? (16:9) What are the character qualities of God listed in this psalm? (16:15-22) How often do you take time to think about what God has done for you? What can you tell others about what God has done for you? How should we express our thanks and appreciation to God? Why is music a useful way of praising God? How much should we verbally praise God during the week? For what specific reasons should we praise the Lord? What are some of the reasons you have to be thankful to God? How can you use music to help you focus on and celebrate God in your life this week? Instead of talking only about family, sports, shopping, or weather with your friends this week, what about the greatness of God can you mention as praise?

Psalms 145:1-150:6

What kinds of things do you usually talk about with your friends? How do you feel when you tell someone about what God has done for you? How do these psalms characterize the Lord? (145:1-150:6) What is the overarching theme of these six psalms? (145:1-150:6) What should motivate God's people to praise the Lord? (145:1-150:6) What practical advice is offered about how to worship God? (145:4-7, 10-12; 146:1-2;

147:1; 149:1-3, 5-6; 150:1-6) How is Psalm 150 a fitting conclusion to the book of Psalms? (150:1-6) How has the Lord demonstrated His love for you? What should motivate us to offer our praise to God? What lessons can we learn from these psalms about how to praise the Lord?

How do these passages encourage you to improve your worship of God? Practically speaking, how can you put your hope in the Lord?

What specific steps could you take this week to add some creativity and enthusiasm to your worship of the Lord?


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