Feeling FEARLESS? Week two of the series has passed and the stories of God raising up and backing up His people keep coming. It is awesome to see holy boldness in action. Give a listen to the podcast and then work through some of these questions. Or if you want to just do the questions, then go for it. There are some discussion type questions in here so why not find someone to talk these through with.
When your faith is tested by fire:
1) Obey God’s commands instead of man’s expectations.
2) Believe God’s truth instead of the facts.
3) Believe God, don’t just believe in God.
• Who is someone you admire for standing up for what they believe?
• What do you admire most about the three men in this story?
1. What “fiery trials” have you endured that strengthened your faith? Why does God use trials to purify or strengthen our faith in Him? What other purposes does God have for fiery trials?
2. In what areas of life are you most tempted to follow people’s expectations instead of God’s commands? In what areas are you tempted to compromise your convictions? (at work, at home, with finances, with friends, etc.)
How can we gain the faith and courage to not compromise? Pray for one another to have the courage and faith like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
3. What is the difference between believing in God and believing God?
What are you believing God for? Which is more difficult for you: obeying God’s commands, believing God’s truth, trusting God’s plan? How do each of these relate to believing God as opposed to just believing in God?
4. What has been your closest brush with death or disaster? How did God reveal His presence with you during this time? What are you believing God for, regardless of the outcome? How can we continue to trust God even “if He does not” rescue us from the painful circumstances of life? (see Hebrews 13:5-6)
5. Can your faith handle the fire? What would most test your faith in God?
(Loss of a parent or close friend? Persecution? Rejection? Loss of health or possessions? Something else?) How can we develop the kind of faith that will enable us to stand strong when facing fiery trials?
6. Share a time when you stood up for Christ instead of bowing down to man. In what area of your life do you feel God may be calling you to take a stand?
How can we, as a Life Support Group, stand with you and pray for you?
1. What fear has kept you from standing up for Christ? Honestly acknowledge this fear to God and ask Him to help you overcome any unbelief. What truth about God do you need to remember when you’re afraid? Faith is not the absence of fear but the inner confidence that God is with you and for you, no matter what!
2. In what area of your life are you being tempted to compromise your convictions and/or rationalize disobedience? Make a list of the facts, as you know them, and then above this list write what is true about God. Jesus said that “truth sets us free” not the facts. Ask the Lord to remind you of the truth each time you are tempted to make decisions based only on the facts.
1. Read Daniel chapter 3. The theme of the book of Daniel is God’s sovereignty over the kingdoms of men (2:21; 5:21)
• What did Nebuchadnezzar declare about Daniel’s God in chapter 2:45-47?
Why do you think the king later built a golden statue and commanded that it be worshiped? What were the consequences when someone disobeyed the king’s order? Who told the king that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the golden image? What do you think was their motive?
• What was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s response to the king’s command (16-18)? What would you do if you had the choice of bowing before an image of gold or getting thrown into a fiery furnace? What would you be willing to risk in order to remain faithful to the Lord? How fireproof is your faith?
• What miracles did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego experience as a result of their faith and obedience? Who joined them in the fiery furnace? What impact did this make on Nebuchadnezzar? (vv 27-30) How did God use this fiery trial to display His sovereignty and power?
2. Read 1 Peter 1:6-9. 3:13-18, 4:1-2, 12-14.
• What did Peter say we may have to suffer and why? (1: 6-7) What is the outcome of our faith once it has been tested? How can we know that our faith is genuine? (1:8-9)
• What do you fear most about suffering? How can suffering for doing right be a blessing? What does our response to unjust suffering reveal to others? (3:14-15) How prepared are you to explain your hope in Christ? How does suffering cause us to cease from sin? (4:1-2) Why should we not be surprised by the fiery trials we go through? (4:12-13)
Psalm 91:9-11; Isaiah 43:1-5a, 50:10; Hebrews 10:38-39,11:6, 32-39, 12:2;
James 1:2,13, 2:17; 1 Peter 1:6-9, 4:1-14; James 2:17-24
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