If our goal is to become more like God in all that we do and in all that we say then it is important to have some idea of what specifically we are trying to achieve. Here, then, is a thought in that general direction:
In order to become like the Father, I must become as generous as the Father is generous. Just as the Father gives His very self to His children, so must I give my very self to my brothers and sisters. Jesus makes it very clear that it is precisely this giving of self that is the mark of the true disciple. "No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13.
This giving of self is a discipline because it is something that does not come spontaneously. As children of the darkness that rules through fear, self-interest, greed, and power, our great motivators are survival and self-preservation. But as children of the light who know that perfect love casts out all fear, it becomes possible to give away all that we have for others.
As children of the light, we prepare ourselves to become true martyrs: people who witness with their whole lives to the unlimited love of God. Giving all thus becomes gaining all. Jesus expresses this clearly as he says: "Anyone who loses his life for my sake ... will save it." Mark 8 :35.
Every time I take a step in the direction of generosity, I know that I am moving from fear to love. But these steps, certainly at first, are hard to take because there are so many emotions and feelings that hold me back from freely giving. Why should I give energy, time, money, and yes, even attention to someone who has offended me? Why should I share my life with someone who has me no respect for it? I might be willing to forgive, but to give on top of that!
The Return of the Prodigal Son
pg 131
Henri Nouwen
That is the generosity that we called to live out. Not to talk about, but to live. That is hard. It is hard for me to consider, let alone live out. That shows me some more evidence that I am a being mixed with Spirit and Flesh. My spirit says "ok, let's do it." My flesh says "'s'if...whatever...forget about it."
How can I get to a place where I live by the Spirit in all things at all times?
One step at a time.
One choice at a time.
One forgiveness at a time.
One gift at a time.
Practice makes perfect or at least it makes it easier for the next time.
"God give me the desire always for one more try. Into Your image and out of mine I pray."