Take a listen to week one and then work through these thoughts by yourself or with some friends. You can even just work through the study without listening to the podcast if you really want. :)
• What are some success philosophies that are popular today?
• Share a time when you experienced God’s strength through your weakness?
1. Graham defined a “practical atheist” as a person who believes in God but lives as if God doesn’t exist. In what area of your life are you dangerously tempted to be a practical atheist?
2. God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior. Gideon saw himself as weak and one of the least? What are some wrong beliefs about yourself that God is helping you to overcome? What does God say about you in His Word?
What would it look like in your behavior if you believed what God says instead of your feelings, weaknesses or circumstances?
3. What promises did God make to Gideon? (see Judges 6:12,14,16,22) What does Gideon’s questions reveal about why he lacked trust in God? (6:13-15)
What circumstances in your life make it difficult for you to trust God?
4. What battle are you facing today that gives you cause for concern? What has fear kept you from doing that God wants you to do? What are you going to do about it? What risks are you willing to make in order to experience God’s strength and sufficiency?
5. In what way was Gideon just an average guy with common fears and weaknesses?
In what ways can you relate to Gideon? Where are you uncertain,
cautious or afraid of God’s will or calling for your life? What are some of your negative absolutes? In what way are you feeling weak and outnumbered?
1. What has fear kept you from doing that God is calling you to do? Address your fears by honestly acknowledging to God your mistrust of Him. Be honest about any wrong beliefs about yourself and any negative absolutes that you have believed. Begin rejecting these thoughts and replacing them
with what God says. Build up your faith in God by focusing on His promises, His character and His past faithfulness.
2. How has depending on your own sufficiency or focusing on your weaknesses, kept you from experiencing God’s strength? What risk does God want you to take in order to experience His strength through your weakness? When thinking or speaking of your
weaknesses or your negative circumstances, end your thought with but God . . . Example: I feel weak and inadequate but God is my adequacy ( 2 Cor.3:5-6).
1. Read Judges 6.
• Prior to Gideon saving the day, what was the situation in Israel? (vv1-6)
What did the oppressed and fearful Israelites do? (v7) How did God respond?
(vv7-10) What did the Lord declare to Gideon? How did he respond?
What questions did Gideon ask the Lord? What do Gideon’s questions reveal about his fears?
• Make a list of all the Lord’s declarations and promises to Gideon. Which of these promises apply to us today? How difficult is it for you to simply take God at His Word and trust His promises? Why is God’s word sometimes not enough to convince us to trust God?
• What fleeces (signs) did Gideon put out to test the Lord? When have you tried the “fleece” method of determining God’s will? What was the result?
Like Gideon, were you tempted to do it again?
• In one night, Gideon tore down an alter to the false god, Baal, built another and made sacrifices to the true God. What role do you think this played in the defeat of the Midionites? What would you like to “tear down” in your life?
What would you like to “build up” to the glory of God?
2. Read Judges chapter 7 through chapter 8 verse one.
• Why did God want to reduce the size of Gideon’s army? What significance does God’s method of selecting the 300 man army have? Why did God choose the men that lapped water? What was God trying to teach Gideon?
• Why did God have Gideon spy on the enemy’s camp? (vv9-12) How did God confirm for Gideon that he had truly heard from God? What means has God used to encourage and build up your faith?
Deuteronomy 6:13-19; Judges 6-8:1; Psalm 56:2-4; Isaiah 43:1-5
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