Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The "Opportunity"

Monday morning I walked Merlin to school, as I do basically everyday. This day I was carrying Finnley in a backpack. I got to the bottom of the driveway when Merlin started asking me a question while trying to hold my hand. I was distracted. I didn't see the ice. My legs went out from under me and down I went. I twisted to keep the backpack from hurling Finnley out. Even still I could sense his being jolted forward. I didn't hurt the left knee that hit the ground and I thought we just had a mildly frightening, embarrasing moment. Silly daddy, pay more attention to what you are doing.
There was just a slight twinge in my back. It was present for the day and grew mildly. For awhile. By about 7 o'clock I was lying on the floor. I stayed there for the night in the living room when I was not having a hot bath.
Long story longer: I'm still lying on my back. Hopefully I will loosen and rest it today. So, yeah, today I think my office will be the floor. Never noticed the ceiling like I have recently. Guess I am turning my eyes heavenward (at least in some medievil worldview). Perhaps I will have another encounter with God? At least I can't run away.


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