We are "kaleo," or called by Christ to go and share the “Good News” with others who don’t have a relationship Him. Living out the answer to this call can be described as living a lifestyle of missions. As followers of Christ we will answer His call to live this lifestyle of missions by _______________.
Objective: To fill in the blank.
And then [Jesus] told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.”
Mark 16:16 (NLT)
What does living a lifestyle of missions mean to you?
Describe a time when you directly or indirectly shared the “Good News.”
How did it benefit those you served?
Sharing the “Good News” is not only a benefit to those we serve, but also to ourselves. How has your life been changed as a result of reaching out to others?
I have no one else like Timothy, who genuinely cares about your welfare. All the others care only for themselves and not for what matters to Christ Jesus.
Phil. 2:20-21 (NLT)
Caring is an action. To not act is to not truly care. Was there a time in your life where you could have acted to help someone, but did not? What opportunities were lost for both yourself and the other person?
What are some specific ways you will personally answer Christ’s call to live a lifestyle of missions? What are some ways you can answer His call in a group?
For Further Study
Throughout your life, in what specific areas has God called you to missions? Is your calling more in your local community or do you feel God has called you to minister to a specific country or culture? Both?
Read Romans 15:14-22. In this passage, Paul proclaims to the Romans that God has bestowed a specific calling on him to be a minister (or missionary) of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. (14:14-16)
How did Paul describe the Christians in Rome? (15:14)
What was the focus of Paul's life? (15:17-18)
What was the only thing that Paul was willing to speak of? (15:18-19)
To what did Paul credit his success in evangelism? (15:18-19)
What was Paul's ambition? (15:20)
Why did Paul preach the gospel where Christ was not known? (15:20)
What had hindered Paul from coming to see the Roman church? (15:22)
Paul was given a very specific mission from God in this scripture.
What are some of the missions you’ve seen God call others to?
What talents has God given you to serve him?
How are you currently using those talents?
Many times God gives us a specific burden for others He wants us to serve and minister to. What burden has God given you?
Are there any areas in your community where opportunities to hear the gospel are limited? What are some ways you could help share the “Good News” in these areas?
How can you tell if your work for God is motivated by self interest or selfless devotion to God?
Final thought:
Pray this week for God to give you opportunities to witness to those who do not know Christ.
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