Talking through the message during the week helps you turn what God is saying to you into action steps. These talking points, questions and scriptures are designed to help you take the next step.
With your Bible read 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-7.
Paul shows us in the passage that each of us have been given unique spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit that are to be used to help one another.
• What was your reaction to hearing that God has spiritual gifts just for you?
• How does knowing that the Holy Spirit has given a spiritual gift just for you affect the way you view yourself and your relationship with God?
Read Romans 12:6-8.
In this passage, Paul describes the various ways we can see spiritual gifts working on our lives.
• What are your spiritual gifts? If you are not sure, what do you think your spiritual gifts might be?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:7-12.
These verses also list the various types of spiritual gifts and how they can be used to help one another.
• How did you discover your spiritual gifts? If you do not know what your gifts are, discuss some ways you can begin to uncover them.
• Share the things you’ve noticed in the past about each other that might help each of you uncover the gifts that God placed in you.
Read 1 Peter 4:10-11.
This passage encourages us to use our gifts to serve one another and to bring glory to God.
• Describe a time when you benefitted from someone using their spiritual gifts.
• How has God used your spiritual gifts to make an impact?
next steps
Here are some specific things you can do this week to learn more about the Holy Spirit and help you experience the power of the Holy Spirit.
Consider reading Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit. In this book, Francis Chan offers a detailed understanding of the Holy Spirit and teaches us how to embrace and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction. This book is available at most bookstores and online.
Discover what your spiritual gifts are by taking an online spiritual gifts test like the one at gifts. You might also consider seeking advice from other Christians that are an active part of your life and gain their input on how they developed their spiritual gifts.
Use these prayer tips to guide your time with God this week to expand your conversations both in person and online.
Pray and ask God to reveal your spiritual gifts to you through the Holy Spirit.
Ask God to reveal to you the best way to use your spiritual gifts to help others and to bring glory to God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to show your family and friends what their spiritual gifts are. Even the youngest Christians have spiritual gifts!
Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit and giving each of us unique spiritual gifts. Spend time praising Him in prayer.
Ask God to show you some specific ways you can use your spiritual gifts in our church or in your personal ministry.