Monday, May 2, 2011

Red Letter Day 05: "Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise" Follow Up

Talking through the message during the week helps you turn what God is saying to you into action steps. These talking points, questions and scriptures are designed to help you take the next step.

With your Bible read Luke 23:26-43.

This passage describes the two thieves that were crucified on both sides of Jesus. One insulted Jesus while the other called out to Jesus and trusted Him. The one who trusted was forgiven by Jesus and was given assurance of a place in heaven.

On a scale from 1-100, how would you rate yourself as a person? 
What would you change if you could? 
How are we all like the two thieves on the cross?
In what ways do you feel you have more going for you than most? 
In what ways do you feel inadequate compared to others?
How have you relied on your own goodness to help you get right with God?

Read Romans 3:19-26.

These verses explain that we can never be good enough. We will always fall short of perfection. But through faith in Jesus, we can be made righteous – or perfect – in God’s eyes.

Describe your experience when you called out to God for forgiveness and accepted Christ as your Savior. 
How has God’s forgiveness changed you? 
What does God’s forgiveness teach you about how we should live our lives? 
Do you need to call out to God about any wrongs or weaknesses in your own life?
In this week’s sermon, we learned that good people don’t go to heaven...forgiven people go to heaven. 
What does that statement mean to you?

next steps
Here are some specific things you can do this week to help you and those around you experience God’s grace and forgiveness in a deeper way:

Spend time in prayer confessing the areas of your life where you need God’s forgiveness. Be honest with God about your weaknesses and the areas where you most desperately need His help. Pray and consider whether to also seek the counsel of a mature, trusted believer. Seek out someone you know who is in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. Set aside time to visit with them over coffee, lunch or a common activity. Share how God’s forgiveness has changed you. Take time to listen and respond to their questions. Pray and ask God to touch that person’s heart as you visit with them.

Use these prayer tips to guide your time with God this week and to expand your conversations with others.
Confess any wrongs in your life to God in prayer and ask for His grace and forgiveness.
Have an honest conversation with God and assess where your current relationship is with Him. Ask for His continued grace and help as you grow in relationship with Him.
Thank God for the ways His grace and forgiveness have changed you.
Commit to God that you will model His grace and forgiveness in all areas of your life, especially in your relationships with others.
Pray for those who do not know Christ as their Saviour. Pray they will call out to Him and personally experience God’s grace and forgiveness.


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