Sad, isn't it? Jesus came to show people who The Father is and then most folks only beleive it about Jesus. They get played off as good cop/bad cop most of the time, especially with religious people. When religious people want you to do what they want or think like they think, they need a stern God. When they need forgiveness, they run to Jesus.
But the whole Trinity still existed inside of Jesus when He was here on earth. Jesus reflected the heart of The Father exactly. The Father loves you and invites you to love Him.
But why? Why me? Why God do you love someone who is such a screw up? After all the things I've felt in my heart toward You and all the accusations I made, why would you even bother to keep trying to get through to me?
Because that is what love does. Remember, God doesn't wonder what you will do or what choices you will make. He already knows. You don't surprise Him. You don't frustrate Him. You don't disappoint Him.
thanks again to
The Shack
You are loved.The Shack
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