Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Fall Retreat

The details are not totally confirmed, but here is the head’s up. September 25-27 @ Medeba Adventure Camp we will be joining some other churches to continue to focus on our growing into being “ONE.” This event will be a SrHi-ish Retreat. Cost: from now until August 3rd $140, from August 4th-September 18th $150 and the late bloomers plan, from Sept 18th-23rd $160. You do not have a spot until we have received your money. Because of additional costs we have incurred from the last retreats there will be a $50 non-refundable amount. Remember we have to have our numbers in long in advance and the bills don’t change because your mind does. Okay? Sweet. It is going to be awesome. Some events together with all the churches and some parts just our church alone. The best of both worlds. What awesome things will God bring about this time? Do you remember last year? Awesomeness.

Sign up early and save some cash. Don’t stress over it all summer or at the last minute.


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