1) When is the last time you have been overwhelmed in the presence of God?
2) Everyone has there own way of worshipping. How do you express worship?
3) God is seeking true worshipers. Is worship a way of life for you? How does your life show you worship?
Objective: To explore how worship can be our usual “way of life”.
1. What worship practices or styles of worship make people feel uncomfortable or embarrassed? Why?
2. In view of who God is and what He has done, what is your response of worship?
David said to Michal…"I will celebrate before the LORD. I willbecome even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes..." ~2 Sam 6:21-22 (NIV)
3. How can we combine reverence before God with unparalleled joy and celebration?
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."
~Heb 12:28-29 (NIV)
4. When is the last time you were overwhelmed or “consumed” in the presence of God?
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. ~John 4:23 (NIV)
5. God is seeking true worshipers. Is worship a way of life for you?
6. How can you express your wholehearted joy before the Lord this week?
How can this expression be a regular habit or “way of life” for you?
Ask God to help you maintain a lifestyle of worship.
For Further Study
John 12:12-19
Open: How do people usually react when they meet a celebrity?
Why? Who are today's religious celebrities?
Explore: What had the crowd heard about Jesus? (12:12) How did the crowd greet Jesus when He arrived in Jerusalem? (12:13) What prophetic event took place? (12:14-15) When did Jesus' disciples realize the significance of these events? (12:16) What did the crowd that was with Jesus do when He raised Lazarus? (12:17) Why did many of the people go out to meet Jesus? (12:18) How did the Pharisees react to this event? (12:19)
Contemplate: What did you hear about Jesus that led you to seek Him? When are you reluctant to allow Jesus to take His rightful place as King in your life? How should we honor and worship Jesus as King?
Apply: How will you honour and worship Jesus with your life today?
Psalm 96:1-13
Open: What are some common elements of worship in your church? For you, what can cause church worship services to become stale or boring?
Explore: What call introduces the psalm? (96:1-3) How far did the psalm writer want the praise of God's people to extend? (96:1-3) What reasons did the psalm writer give to the nations to praise the Lord? (96:1-13) What does this psalm reveal about God's character? (96:1-13)
Why should God's people be motivated to praise God? (96:4-6) Whom did the psalm writer call to worship God? (96:7-9) What will motivate creation to praise the Lord? (96:11-13)
Contemplate: What should be our motivation in praising God? What about nature inspires you to praise God? What kind of worship does God desire?
Apply: What is one thing you can do to revive your worship of God or make it more meaningful?
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