Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Discover You" STARFIELD Lyrics

See if this song might work as a helpful prayer for you.


I need to just admit
My faith is paper thin
I'm feeling so burned out on religion

I say an empty prayer
I sing a tired song
I need to just admit that
the passion's gone
And I want to get it back

You told me
Look for you, and I will find
So I'm here
Like I'm searching for the first time
Revive me, Jesus
Make this cold heart start to move
Help me rediscover You

I want to learn to pray
The way that David prayed
I want my soul to burn when
I hear Your name

I want to feel like new
I want to hunger for You
Bring me back to life like
only You can do
'Cause I don't want to stay the same

Lord, I want to be Yours today
I want to know the passion of the saints
And how they were changed

I want to burn for You
Bring me back to life
Jesus, help me rediscover You

Bring me back to life: a great Easter thought/prayer. I want more of that passion. I need more of that passion. Awaken these things in me more and more. Transform me and reignite Your church with honest, hungry pursuit of You.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Here are some more solid lyrics coming from those Canadian STARFIELD fellas.


What mercy was revealed
What selflessness and peace
My fate was surely sealed
Until He rescued me
His pardon for my sin
His bounty for my need
From slavery and shame
I am redeemed

And Heaven can't contain
The glory of the Son
Jesus is the Christ, the saving one
His love has made a way
The grave is overcome
Jesus is the Christ, the saving one

No fear can hold me down
Nor darkness steal my joy
For blood has been poured out
The enemy destroyed
Death could not hold Him down
The cross was not enough
To steal away His throne
For He is God

Anyone who calls upon His name
They will be saved
They will be saved

Truth. God give us the faith to live like we believe.


Monday, March 29, 2010

QUOTE: Thought of the Day kind of thing

The Church wants the world to sit at its feet.
The place for the Church is at feet of Jesus, who sends us to work washing feet of the world.

Leonard Sweet

Is this happening in your world? By that I mean the world you live in and the world that you choose to bring to life.

We are in the habit of desiring and expecting many to come to whatever we do simply because we are doing it. What reason have we provided for anyone to want what we have got?

This is not an opportunity to look at someone or something to blame; this is a call to begin to live as we have been called. When we live as we have been called we will bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Jesus was tremendously compelling; may we seek such influence. Influence that evokes the willing gifts of authority and submission because you know your best interests are being cared for. Have we got that is worth sharing? Then how do we share it effectively so that those who need might receive?

Imagine what we could bring to life for others ...
for ourselves as well.


New STARFIELD Song: Top Of Our Lungs

These boys can write. Good songs, good words, great energy, especially live.


Don't let your mind deny
What your heart believes
Leave your inhibitions
Let your soul be free

This is why you were created
It's your destiny
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright

Who the Son sets free
Yeah, they are free indeed
So let go with me
C'mon and sing what you believe

We're gonna shout His praise
at the top of our lungs
We're gonna dance for the
glory of the risen Son
We're not ashamed of the One we love
We're gonna shout His praise
at the top of our lungs

This is the praise of a people
That have been redeemed
This is the joy of the Lord
And the sound of the free

This is why we were created
It's our destiny
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
Now go and listen to it. Loud.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

THOUGHT: Love & Focus

When believers focus on loving Jesus, differences melt away. When we focus on anything else, the more divided we are.

-Rick Warren

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 (NLT)

Where do you see division around you? Where is your focus? Are you bringing about division or unity? What can you do to diminish the impact of someone else's desire for division or separation?


Monday, March 22, 2010

Practical Athiest 03: I Believe In God But Trust In Money Followup

What is the one thing you would describe as your most valuable possession? Why is it so valuable to you?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34 (NIV)

• What are some of the “treasures” or possessions in your life currently distracting you from focusing on God? What specific things can you do to remove these distractions?

No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love
the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You
cannot serve both God and Money
Luke 16:13 (NIV)

• Practical atheists tend to trust money to provide happiness and/or security. Has there been a time in your life where you trusted money to provide these things? If so, how has it affected your relationship with God?
• Has there been a time in your life when you decided to put your trust in God rather than in money. If so, what did that experience teach you about God?

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor
to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in
God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV)

• When you grow in your relationship with Christ, it often results in becoming inexplicably content with what we have. Are you more content today than you were last year? How has your relationship with Christ in the last year affected your level of contentment?

Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty
welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as
they were able, and even beyond their ability.
2 Corinthians 8:2-3 (NIV)

• Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. Describe a time you gave sacrificially and the affect it had on you. Is there any way you could give even more sacrificially? If so, what would it be?

Final thought: With your group and during your personal prayer time
this week pray for God to help you focus more on Him rather than money.
Pray that He will help you obtain true contentment through Him.

For Further Study

What does it mean to you to be truly happy?
Why do most people want more money than they already have?
Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-20.
This passage explores the futility of wealth and how it does not lead to true happiness.
How should a person go into the house of God? (5:1)
How did Solomon encourage us to conduct ourselves in the house of God? (5:2-3)
What did Solomon say about vows made to God? (5:4-6)
Why should we stand in awe of God? (5:7)
What should not surprise us? (5:8-9)
What grievous evil did Solomon notice? (5:13-17)
What is good and proper for a person to do? (5:18)
What sort of experience did Solomon describe as a gift from God? (5:19)
What does this verse say happens to the person who has wealth and possessions? (5:20)
Why is it important to approach God with the right attitude?
Why is it hard to keep the promises we make to God?
What does it mean to you to stand in awe of God?
Why is money unable to bring happiness or contentment in our lives?
If we cannot take anything with us when we die, why do you think we work so hard to acquire things in our lives?
How should we go about finding satisfaction in our daily work?
What does it mean to accept one’s lot in life?
What is the connection between accepting one’s lot in life and finding happiness?
Why is it so hard for us to accept our lot in life?
What is one thing you can change today in your life that will help shift your focus away from money and possessions and back towards God?
What can you do this week to accept and better appreciate the things God has given to you?


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growing Revelation

So I am driving along on the highway and I had a major revelation. (a tired, night time, dark road revelation) I have 2 sets of couples as friends, both share all the same initials and the wives names are even the same. They also don't know each other and are both highly unlikely to ever read this blog. This seemed like quite a revelation and so I began thinking how great it would be if they could ever meet up.
I was musing this over in my tiny little brain when the more significant part appeared before me:
I have 2 sets of couples as fantastic friends regardless of their initials. I am blessed.
But still slow, cuz then names began flooding into my mind of more good friends.
I have a lot and I don't care what their initials are. I am deeply, deeply blessed knowing that there are so many good friends who are ready, willing and able to aid, assist and hangout. So fortunate.
Now what could be done with an army like this?


Friday, March 19, 2010


The myth: "I can't say I'm humble" misunderstands humility. Humility is admitting "I'm helpless without God." It's dependence!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Good Preacher

"When you hear a nightingale you hear an excellent preacher. He exorts with this gospel, not
mere words but by deed and example."
-Martin Luther


Monday, March 15, 2010

THOUGHT: Practical Atheist 02 Followup

Describe someone you know who is truly passionate about something in their life. How has that passion shaped the way they live their life?

The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Isaiah 29:13 (NIV)

• Do you feel you are more passionate about Christ this year than last year? Why or why not?

To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:14-16 (NIV)
10 characteristics of a lukewarm Christian:
1. Crave acceptance from people more than acceptance from God.
2. Rarely discuss their relationship with Christ with others
3. Do whatever it takes to alleviate their guilt
• Why are we sometimes more passionate about our relationships with other people than we are about our relationship with God?
4. Think more about life on earth than eternity in heaven
5. Gauge their morality by comparing themselves to others
6. Want to avoid the penalty of sin without changing their lives
• What are some of the distractions in your life you feel are keeping you more focused on temporary life rather than on eternal life?
7. Only turn to God when they are in a bind
8. Give whenever it doesn’t hinder their standard of living
9. Are not much different from the rest of the world
10. Want the benefits of what Christ did without conforming to who He is

• In looking at this list of characteristics, are there any you can identify with? Why or why not?

You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But
you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked…
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and
opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:17, 20 (NIV)

• What are some specific things you can start doing today that will help deepen your passion for Christ?

Final thought:
With your group and during your personal prayer time
this week pray God will instill a deeper fire and passion for Him in your life.


THOUGHT: Practical Atheist 01 Followup

To develop our fear and awe of God so we will be able to serve Him
• Describe one of your biggest fears in life. How has that fear shaped your life and your actions?
• In what ways, can fear sometimes be a good thing in our lives?

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers
of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their
parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,
brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of
pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NIV)

• A practical atheist is someone who believes in God but lives as if He does not exist. In what area of your life are you a practical atheist? Give specific examples.
• Do you see any of the qualities mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in your own daily life?

Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God to restrain them. In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are.
Psalms 36:1-2 (NLT)

If you love me, you will obey what I command.
John 14:15 (NIV)

• The greatest evidence of the fear of God is obedience to God. What are some specific areas in your life where you struggle with obedience to God’s direction? How would a fear and awe of God make it easier to follow Him in these areas?

Final thought:
As a group and individually pray this week for God to instill a
desire in you to serve Him wholeheartedly without any conditions.

For Further Study
To use this resource, simply select one or two questions from each category below that you think will help your group discussion. Alternatively, you can use these questions and Scriptures in your own personal devotions during the week.

During your childhood or teenage years, describe the most disobedient thing you ever
did? How did your parents react?

Read Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14. Solomon concludes the book of Ecclesiastes in this passage by saving his most important piece of wisdom for his final thought. (12:13-14)
How did Solomon conclude this book? (12:9-14)
What did the Teacher do with his knowledge? (12:9)
For what did the Teacher search? (12:10)
How did Solomon describe what the Teacher wrote? (12:10)
How did Solomon describe the words of the wise? (12:11)
What did Solomon say about books and study? (12:12)
What is a person’s whole duty? (12:13)
Why did Solomon tell his reader to fear God and keep His commandments? (12:14)

With what mood would you say Solomon concluded this book?
What is the relationship between fearing God and keeping his commandments?
How we can benefit from the wisdom of other Christians?
In what ways can you be a teacher or adviser to at least one other Christian?

What specific areas of your life are you struggling to obey God’s commandments?
Who do you need to seek out for the wisdom they could provide in helping you with your
areas of struggle?


Friday, March 5, 2010


If you lose money you lose much, If you lose friends you lose more, If you lose faith you lose all.

-Eleanor Roosevelt