Monday, January 17, 2011

Forgotten Virtues 03: Loyalty (Follow Up)

Talking through the message during the week helps you turn what God is saying to you into action steps. These talking points, questions and scriptures are designed to help you take the next step. Pick out those questions that will stir up conversation and action among your group.

•    What are some examples of disloyalty you have observed in today’s world?

Read Matthew 26:31-35 and 2 Samuel 15:19-21.
These passages show us that true loyalty has to be tested.
Peter claimed he was loyal, but ultimately betrayed Jesus, while Ittai the Gittite displayed loyalty to King David.

Why do you think loyalty has become such a forgotten virtue in today’s world?

True loyalty is proven, not proclaimed.  How have you experienced that statement in your life?  

How does your loyalty toward others stack up to Ittai the Gittite’s example?

Where do you need improvement?

Read Malachi 2:15-16, Proverbs 17:17 and Acts 2:42-46.
We are told in these verses to be loyal to our spouses, friends and Christ’s church.

Why is it important that we demonstrate loyalty in our most intimate relationships such as our spouses, children and immediate family?
How do you think “friending” someone with a click online has changed our value of loyalty in friendships? 
Who would you say are your most loyal friends?
How has their loyal friendship benefitted your life?
How would you describe your loyalty to Christ’s church?
What are some specific ways that you can improve your loyalty?

Read James 4:8-9.
This passage shows us that disloyalty is born out of a divided heart.

•    How divided is your heart? Share some things you have chosen over God.
•    How has God’s constant loyalty to you impacted your faith and life?

next steps
Try these specific things this week to help you develop stronger loyalty in your life and keep it from being a forgotten virtue:

One of the best examples of loyalty can be found in the Old Testament with the story of Jonathan and his loyalty to David. Take some time to read about Jonathan’s loyalty in 1 Samuel 19 and 20. You can also watch a video that demonstrates Jonathan’s loyalty in a relevant and unique way at this link:

Don’t let loyalty become a forgotten virtue for the next generation. Take some time this week to discuss the importance of loyalty with someone younger than you such as a child or a student. Share with them examples from your own life and from the Bible such as Jonathan or Ittai the Gittite.

Talk It Over with God:
•    Commit to God in prayer that you will strive to strengthen your loyalty to Him. Praise Him and tell God what He means to you.
•    Thank God in prayer for His loyalty to you and always being there for you in the good and in the bad times.
•    Confess those things to God in prayer that you have chosen over Him. Commit to placing your focus only on God.
•    Ask God to help you as you focus on being more loyal in all of your most important relationships.
•    Seek God’s guidance in prayer on where He is leading you to serve His church. Commit to stepping up to serve in these areas.


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