Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When Being Right Is Just Plain Wrong

Have you ever been in this place?

I can either be in the right, or I can be in a relationship .

When he was practicing law, Abraham Lincoln was hired to sue someone over a $2.50 debt. He didn't want to do it, but his client insisted that it was a matter of principle, even though the person being sued was a friend.

So Lincoln asked for a fee of $10, to be paid in advance. He gave half to the defendant, who promptly paid his debt.

And what about Christians as a group? Does the church lack credibility with the culture because Christians would rather be right than be in relationship with one another? We'd rather be right about our positions, right about our condemnations, right about having the "right" interpretation of scripture. We'd rather score points than secure relationships with others who share the Christian faith.

The church has deep convictions, but do the convictions crowd our friendships? Jesus was familiar with the religious rules regarding what could not be done on the Sabbath. He ignored the rules and healed a sufferer.

God didn't put us here to serve the rules, Jesus explained. It's just the opposite. The rules exist for our benefit.

Sometimes being right can just be SO wrong...dead wrong.

Life drained/removed



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