Have you ever wanted to judge God? Do you not think that there are things that he could have or should have done differently? Honestly?
What about a small child who is abducted, abused and killed? Why allow that child to be born at all? Or why not use your God power and stop that injustice from happening?
Is God to blame?
If you can judge God, then what about the world? Imagine being asked to pick your five favourite people in the world. Ok? do it. Pick your five favourite people in the world. Got them?
Now then...choose two of them. Got two? Those two get to go to heaven, they get to live in God's new heavens and new earth, but only two?
Now choose three to spend eternity in hell.
What if they were your children?
Now understand, all you are being asked to do is something that you believe God does. He knows every person ever conceived, and He knows them so much deeper and clearer than you will ever know even your own children. He loves each one according to His knowledge of the being of that son or daughter. The feeling is that God will/should condemn most to an eternity of torment, away from His presence and apart from His love. Is that not true?
I've never thought of it like that. We just assume that somehow God could do that. Talking about hell is rarely ever a personal discussion. When I think about people going to hell I really only ever think about people that I don't really care about.
So which of your closest friends will be the ones you choose to go to hell? You must choose, you cannot simply avoid it. You must choose, who will it be? Which of your favourites will you send?
Would you ever think of trying to save one by offering yourself? That is what God did. He loves all of His children perfectly. There is no one that God wants to send to hell. There is no one that God does not love.
There are many that I have a hard time with. Holy Spirit continue to work in me. Continue to change my heart, please.
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