Monday, April 6, 2009

THOUGHT: Questions to go with Check Your Head 1: Thieves In Your Head

Which Enemy do you fight the most?

Look back at Philippians 3:19-20. What appetite of yours is the most powerful?

How powerful is your mind? Do you defend your thoughts well? How?


Trials & Temptations

What’s your G.P.A.? What did you r last work evaluation look like?

What’s your usual approach to a test or big project: Fear? Joy? Prayer? Study All Night? A mix of them all?

How satisfied are you with your grades or work performance? How satisfied are your parents? What about your boss?

Are you facing a trial? Have you considered it pure joy?

Are you interested in developing perseverance?

Why is perseverance important (v. 4)? What reward comes with persevering in the faith? (v. 12)

On a scale from 1 (not very) to 10 (very, very), how serious are you about the work that you do?

When have you been tempted to cheat on a test, assignment, evaluation or project? What’s your response to temptation?

If God were handing out crowns today according to how well you have persevered over the last week, would you get one? Why?

Where do you need increased wisdom?

Do you see yourself in a struggle? What is it? Can anyone help you? Have you asked? Will you tell people what it is?


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