So everything is bigger in Texas, right? Check out the new stadium in Dallas/Ft Worth.
Construction cost $1.4 Billion.
Footprint: about 3, 000, 000 sq ft.
But the new screen...the new screen is ENORMOUS!
$600: the cost of powering the video board for one hour.
30 Million: The number of light bulbs on the entire video board.
3,000: The total number of flat-screen TVs in Cowboys Stadium.
4,896: The number of NFL players it would take to equal the weight of the video board (1.2 million pounds)
160 feet long X 72 feet high.
How big does the screen appear to fans at the game? A fan in section 100 of Cowboys Stadium is 90 feet away from the screen, which is the equivalent of sitting 3.13 feet from a 52" TV.
Each side of the video board is equivalent to: 136 7'X12' projection screens (the size used by many churches)
1,241 52" flat screen TVs.
151,733 iPhones.
17,242 magazines.
26 buses (40 foot)
2.3 IMAX screens.
That's big, maybe even excessive. Oh yeah, they also play football there.
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