Thursday, October 23, 2008

THOUGHT: Fall/Authumn....Whichever

I like it.
I guess I used to be: "whatever." But not any more. I love it.
I love the colour, the natural exuberance, the sense that something really important is happening.
I like looking at a wall of trees and thinking that they are all blended together so perfectly in a pattern that would not be considered wise on paper. How can you look at the trees and think they look so perfect and then you move closer and you see the flaws? Or maybe you see a tree and think "that's the perfect one, with perfect leaves."
But it isn't.
All the beauty is so intense and yet so flawed. There is beauty in spite of the flaws.
Maybe there is beauty because of the flaws.
Maybe that can be just like me? Beauty despite my flaws.
Maybe even beauty because of my flaws.
We are not perfect, we are all flawed but when we release exuberantly, we are beautiful.
That can't help but make me happy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Graham,

I love Fall too, it's my favorite season of the four. Summer can go be pretentious somewhere else.