Summer continues to be delicious, keep eating it up. Here are some opportunities for you:
Final Summer Soulhouse
Wednesday August 19th 7-9 in The Board/Room
Come out for our final summer gathering. If you have not come out so far … well then don’t miss this one.
Bible Quizzing Launch
Tuesday September 08 7PM Room #1
Want to get in on the grand quizzing masters that travel all over Ontario competing? Let me know and I can hook you up with additional information.
180 Launch
Wednesday September 09 7-8:30 PM The Board/Room
Full PRIMEtime Leadership Orientation Day
Saturday September 12th 9:30-1
Who is this for? Good question. Anyone who is planning on being a part of the Holy Smoke Worship team whether you have been on before or would just like to look into it this year. LifeSupport Group leaders, advisers, consultants, directors, producers, planners, influencers. If you have the smallest amount of doubt ask, or just say you are coming. There are things that we need to walk you through and there is official paperwork that MUST be signed before you will be able to participate in the area of ministry that you are looking at. This is for adults all the way down to grade 7s. If you will be or would like to be leading in ANY way this is for you. Please respond to say that you are coming. Thanks.
ONE Fall RE:treat 09
September 25-27 now $150. SIGN UP NOW!
Soulhouse AM Launch
Sunday September 13th 10-11:15 The Board/Room: Join The Liberation
Soulhouse PM Season Premiere
Sunday September 13th 6-8:30 Sanctuary: FANATIC: 01 What God Wants Most

WOOHOO! Counting down and looking forward.
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