Ice Breaker: Describe the first funeral you attended. What memories do you have? How did it affect you?
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.
Hebrews 9:27 (NIV)
• Death is certain, so why is it so difficult for many of us to talk about death?
• How can this reluctance to talk about death affect the way we live?
• Think of yourself standing in the presence of Christ waiting to be judged. Looking into His eyes, describe what you might be thinking and feeling at that moment?
• Would Jesus seem more like a close friend or someone you just met?
Explain your answer.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV)
• What things in your life right now would be a “problem” at the judgment?
• How does God want to help you to change in these areas right now?
For Further Study
Hebrews 9:11-28
• What are some ways people typically try to deal with their own mortality?
• What do you imagine death being like?
• How is the heavenly tabernacle in which Christ serves as high priest described? (9:11)
• By what means did Christ enter the Most Holy Place? (9:12)
• How many times did Christ enter the Most Holy Place? (9:12)
• What ritual cleansing ceremony did a high priest typically complete before he entered the Most Holy Place? (9:13)
• To what degree was a high priest considered clean? (9:13)
• How was Christ's sacrifice on our behalf different from the usual sacrifice for sin on the Day of Atonement? (9:14)
• What benefits do believers in Christ derive from the sacrifice Christ made on their behalf? (9:14)
• What fate awaits every person? (9:27)
• In what ways was Christ an unblemished sacrifice?
• What does it mean that Christ fully and completely satisfied God's wrath over sin and can make us right with God?
• Why do you think the author kept emphasizing that Christ's sacrifice was "once for all"?
• Even though Christ has done all these fantastic things for us, why is it so easy for us to forget?
• With whom do you want to share the good news this week of a Saviour who offers forgiveness, freedom from sin, and eternal life? How?
Get ready for part 2 of the series "So You're Dead...Now What?" : HELL
Don't give up.
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