Here are some additional thoughts and questions to help you work through and consider Hell and its significance in your world. Listen to the podcast and then move on to the questions. Or, you know what? Read the questions and then listen to the podcast, either way, try it out.
Then we will see you Sunday October 25th for part 3: HEAVEN. So, yeah, that'll be awesome.
Ice Breaker: If you were to bring up the subject of “hell” to friends or co-workers who are not Christ followers, what kinds of reactions might you experience?
In the book of Matthew Jesus says this about hell:
So if your eye – even if it is your good eye – causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your
From what Jesus says here, hell is very real and something to be avoided at all costs. So, why is it difficult for many of us to talk about hell?
They will be punished with everlasting destruction, forever separated from the
What would it be like to be “forever separated from the Lord and from his
READ: 2 Peter 3:9
As those who are already Christ followers, what opportunity does God’s
In addition to the reality of hell, what reality of hope can we share with those
Who will you reach out to this week, that might otherwise be “forever separated
For Further Study
Luke 16:19-31
What do you imagine heaven and hell will be like?
What do your friends and coworkers imagine heaven and hell will be like?
How did Jesus describe the rich man in the story? (16:19)
What does the story tell us about Lazarus? (16:20)
What role did angels play in this story? (16:22)
Where did the angels take Lazarus? (16:22)
What difference did the rich man's wealth make in his eternal destiny? (16:22-23)
What does this parable reveal about heaven and hell? (16:22-31)
What did the rich man see from his place in hell? (16:23)
How did Abraham respond to the request of the rich man? (16:25)
Why did the rich man want Lazarus to go to his father's house on earth? (16:27-28)
What did the rich man think was necessary to convince his brothers to believe? (16:30)
How does this story affect your understanding of the afterlife?
What have you learned from this parable about the eternal value of material possessions?
What things do you think have eternal value?
Why does God not always provide miracles to help people believe in Him?
In the next few days, how can you demonstrate your thankfulness to the Lord for His provision of eternal life?
How many people like Lazarus do you know who could benefit from your compassion today?
Hope this helps. If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask.
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