Last Week: So the Story Goes… Judges/Gideon (Erin Carter): We are finishing up this year’s section of So the Story Goes… with a gooder, one of my favourite stories…Gideon. We went through his story from beginning to end and looked at and discussed together instances of obedience, faith and sacrifice. We learned some great stuff about our God. He is patient, He is faithful and He is powerful. One cannot help but wonder what our lives would be like if we could step out in faith as Gideon did. The key part of his story is not the fleece test but prior to that pulling down the idols of his hometown. What a risk and nowhere to hide. Then he went on to face a vast multitude with only 300 men…oh yeah, and God. But it would take huge faith to believe that God was going to show up after you blow the trumpets.
I took a step of faith and offered up a special giving opportunity (to help one of our families hit by hard stuff) to Soulhouse. I asked them to apply the principles laid out in Acts 2:42-47. They responded. OH BOY, did they ever respond! After our regular offering, which was certainly larger than normal, Soulhouse generously and energetically sacrificed to bring glory to God and grace to a family a sub-total of $724.29 (sub-total because some money is still arriving). Well done. May God be praised! This is huge.
This Week: Why? Creation/Environment (Kevin Chan)
Next Week: Celebration!
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