Last Week: So The Story Goes…Joshua/Jericho (Simon Riley): Well we have started a new series focusing on stories from the Old Testament. If we know these stories then it is from Sunday school: Learned in Sunday School and ignored from then on. There is so much to learn here about our God and the way that he loves us and interacts with us. Too much information to just ignore these stories after grade 4.
So Simon told us the story of Joshua and left us with some huge questions to ponder. I was left just thinking…mmmm I wonder what that really would be like? Joshua’s faith, courage and devotion to God were highlighted and they are a compelling example.
This Week: So The Story Goes…Judges/Samson (Will Sherman)
Next Week: So The Story Goes…Judges/Gideon (Erin Carter)
Last Week: Seven: Pride (Jon Harvey): We started a new series last week called Seven placing our focus on the Seven Deadly Sins. In this series we will be looking at why these sins are called deadly and why the list does not include some of the other “really bad sins.” So good old dependable Jon Harvey, the j-harv, started the ball rolling with a look at pride. Pride will come before a fall, some even go so far as to say that pride is the fall, caused the fall and holds us on the ground after the fall. Pride blinds, steals, hurts, abandons and sickens with sickness as unto death. To truly live pride must be rigorously pursued and subdued. To life then…
This Week: Seven: Greed (Graham Clinton)
Next Week: Seven: Envy (Josh Harvey)
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