Week 2 of Advent Conspiracy: Rebel has happened. Take the time to listen to the podcast or just dive straight into this study to help you prepare for one of the holiest days of the year. Do it yourself or get together with some friends, family or strangers and discuss.
READ: Matthew 2:1-12
What is your favourite tradition related to Christmas?
Who are three “Magi” or wise men you turn to for advice?
Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem?
Since the Magi were pagan astrologers, why would they leave everything in order to follow that star?
In light of the prophecy (v.6), why was Herod so concerned that the baby be found?
Note the responses of the Magi upon seeing Jesus. How is that similar to the response that Christians make to Jesus? How is it different?
What do the star , the Magi, the gifts, the homage, the hostility and the prophecy teach about the significance of Jesus?
In your journey toward God, how are you like the Magi? Unlike them? Have you had to leave anything to follow Jesus? What is the “gold, incense, and myrrh” in your life? How have you offered this to Jesus?
If Jesus is all about the “Kingdom” & Caesar is all about the “Empire” what Caesars are you facing? Will it make a difference how you respond?
What do you want to rebel against in the empire that surrounds you?
What can you put on the line this year to not compromise?
What would this look like to your friends or family?
Will it motivate them or freak them out?
Read: Luke 1:26-38
Mary’s initial reaction to the angel’s appearance was: fear, confusion, doubt, faith, concern, curiosity?
Why did God choose Mary to give birth to His Son? 1. She earned the honour by her holy life. 2. she was at the right place at the right time. 3. her lineage was correct. 4. he had her in mind from the beginning. 5. only God knows why he picked her.
What do you think was the hardest for May to comprehend? 1. the fact that she was favoured by God 2. a pregnancy before marriage 3. who her child was going to be 4. how all this fits into God’s plan.
How do you think Mary felt about giving birth to the Messiah? Scared, honoured, burdened, glad, lonely, wait-and-see?
Why did the angel tell Mary about Elizabeth’s condition? 1. to prove God’s power 2. to unfold the rest of God’s plan 3. to encourage her 4. to give her something else to think about?
After this encounter with the angel, how did Mary envision herself? 1. ascending a throne 2. as a lowly servant 3. as a surrogate mother 4. as an ordinary person?