Read: Luke 2:1-20
What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
When you were a child, what part did you ever play in the Christmas pageant?
Suppose this group acted out the Christmas story. Who would you choose to play Joseph? Mary? The innkeeper? The shepherds? The angels?
What is the closest you’ve come to experiencing the presence of angels watching over you?
How would you feel if an angel suddenly appeared to you with a message about God’s plan for your life?
Who was the “angel” that first told you about Jesus? What effect has this good news had on you?
From Another Angle:
Pregnant before marriage. Broke. Homeless. If you were Mary and Joseph’s friend, what chance would you have given them? A. none B. 50/50 C. uphill all the way D. a great way to begin
Why do you suppose the Saviour of the world was born in an obscure village and laid in a manger? A. to fulfill Old Testament prophecy B. to show he was an ordinary person C. it just happened that way D. he demanded no special favours E. God didn’t want to draw attention to his son’s birth F. No place would have been as grand as he deserved.
What effect did the angelic visit have on the shepherds? A. they wondered if they had been dreaming B. They saw God in a new way C. Their lives were changed forever D. It was soon business as usual.
What do you think the shepherds were most excited to tell others? A. about hearing the angels sing B. about seeing the newborn baby C. God’s plan for their salvation D. that the angel’s words were true E. that the wait for Messiah was over
Do you think Mary & Joseph understood the full significance of the child they brought into the world? A. probably not B. up to a point C. Mary could have D. They must have E. they couldn’t have.
What effect has the news of Christ’s birth had on you? A. business as usual B. spiritual commitment C. aw awakened sense of joy D. hope for the future E. thankfulness for God’s forgiveness F. confusion about God’s plan
How would you describe your relationship with Jesus Christ now?
If you were to spread the word about Jesus has done for you, with whom would you speak first?
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