Saturday, May 31, 2008
THOUGHT: Confession #5
Adam and Eve's era of open communication with God was, well, rather short lived.
While the actual time it took for Adam & Eve to sin is unknown, what we do know is that for us it is usually only a matter of minutes between mess-ups. We rarely put temptation at a distance--we stay too close, we like to linger around that tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. All around us we see the evidences of that last mess-up, oh yeah and the one before it. Hey look over there...more evidence of my transgressions.
Our only hope is confession.
Confession is the courageous step of putting the partially eaten fruit down, looking at it with God and agreeing that the fruit has our teeth marks in it. This, though, is not easy to do. Who among us likes to stand before the King of righteousness and admit both error and our need?
Nope, not easy at all. In fact, that leads us to the next problem and the next development.
Friday, May 30, 2008
THOUGHT: Confession #4
Consider this:
9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:8-9 (NIV)
If you can reach this agreement then that is the beginning of power in our prayer. Confession isn't exposing some secret part of our lives as though God had no idea about our dark side. God knows. He knows everything. He most certainly is painfully aware of our deeds of evil or our deeds of selfishness (sin). Instead, confession is a brave step forward with God to look at our dark side and agree with all He has said about it in the Bible.
As simple as it sounds, this agreement with God is rare--it's hard to find. We, sadly, are all too much like Adam and Eve, crouching in the dark forest of Eden, hiding the half-eaten fruit.
What am I trying to hide from God today? What would I love to not carry anymore?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
THOUGHT: Confession #3
The word confession has at least 3 meanings:
1. you openly agree to a statement, a proposition, a creed or collection of thoughts. These would be things like the Apostle's Creed and had to do with theological stuff.
2. to confess: you openly admit your guilt for some wrong thought or action.
3. a spiritual autobiography like the ones written by Augustine or Patrick.
Tie these three things together and confession is, in a Christian spiritual context, agreeing with God about something--either the teachings of the church (a creed) or about our own sinfulness (our guilt).
Somehow I believe that confession can free us from sin's lasting ownership or jurisdiction in our lives and instead tie us to, or unite us with Christ. But how?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
THOUGHT: Confession #2
The word confession has slowly faded almost to non-existence. The concept of sin faded also. Apparently both of these concepts are too hard for human beings to deal with and they were credited with psychological breakdowns. Sin is a bad concept because it produces guilt, and guilt is apparently, "self-negating" or "self-deprecating." That is bad. We don't feel good then. Now no need for confession cuz there is nothing to confess, I haven't done anything wrong.
Blindness does not remove reality. It just doesn't see it. The damage is still there and still growing.
That kind of callousness to sin and guilt needs to be cleared out of our lives with some tears. Tears of remorse. Tears of regret. Tears of humility. Tears of need. Tears of revelation. Tears of confession.
People who confess NEED to do it. We don't like to need to do anything that we don't want to.
People who NEED anything are weak. We don't like to be weak.
Sin is serious. It requires a serious response. Those tears remind us that it is important, essential, critical, required, necessary to have a clean relationship with God.
Those tears remind us that God is important...and serious.
Real tears also help us to communicate our sorrow and remorse to God. That is praying in words that we cannot speak...tears.
The self-sufficient see God as a mere topic of discussion.
Therefore, only the needy really have a God. To believe in God is to see yourself as both sinful and needy. Why is this important? For this reason: the needy confess.
Do you need God?
I am pretty sure that I do.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
THOUGHT: Confession #1
aka Saint Patrick
More thoughts on confession to come.
Monday, May 26, 2008
EVENT: Full Disclosure Soulhouse May 25

This Week: Celebration: X-pression. what a great night! In total there were more than 30 people with direct participation in the event. Original works of art were displayed and performed. Many different people faced the risk and made contributions. Thank you very much. There is so much talent here and the doors are just starting to open so that we can find out the true depth that we have been blessed with.
Art seems to evoke in us respect, awe, mystery, pleasure and even feelings of purity. I understand not all art does this, but the artists represented here did a great job. It makes me want more. I guess I am a little greedy, but I just love watching people release their gifts and talents to each other before God. For me the countdown starts now for next year. For you also. Now you have lots of time to get ready, to dream bigger, to imagine more.
Next Week: Everything is Spiritual (Will Sherman Sr.)
Next Next Week: Finale, Merge, Graduation. Last Soulhouse of the season...but then the countdown starts for the brand-new, totally redesigned Summer Soulhouse on Wednesday nights beginning Wednesday July 9th 7PM. Will you be there?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
THOUGHT: A little life & a little death
All of the animation that we identify inherently as that person is removed. It has escaped. It has been released. We are left looking at a shell that we barely recognize. The body has been prepared for viewing but the pictures somehow seem more real.
Our essence is our spirit, but we think it is the body. The body seems valuable now only as it relates to the spirit.
Perhaps we should spend more time caring for our essence; caring for the part of us that is really us. There is no beauty without the beauty given by the spirit.
What will heaven be like when we all are gathered together in our true uninhibited forms?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
THOUGHT: The Whine of Discontent
Ever complain? Ever think that many things are against you? Read what I just read in my study (concerning the parable of the Prodigal Son):
It is in this spoken or unspoken complaint that I recognize the elder son in me. Often I catch myself complaining about little rejections, little impolitenesses, little negligences. Time and again I discover within me that murmuring, whining, grumbling, lamenting, and griping that go on and on even against my will. The more I dwell on the matters in question, the worse my state becomes. The more I analyze it, the more reason I see for complaint. And the more deeply I enter it, the more complicated it gets. There is an enormous, dark drawing power to this inner complaint. Condemnation of others and self-condemnation, self-righteousness and self-rejection keep reinforcing each other in an ever more vicious way. Every time I allow myself to be seduced by it, it spins me down in an endless spiral of self-rejection. As I let myself be drawn into the vast interior labyrinth of my complaints, I become more and more lost until, in the end, I feel myself to be the most misunderstood, rejected, neglected, and despised person in the world.
Of one thing I am sure. Complaining is self-perpetuating and counterproductive. Whenever I express my complaints in the hope of evoking pity and receiving the satisfaction I so much desire, the result is always the opposite of what I tried to get. A complainer is hard to live with, and very few people know how to respond to the complaints made by a self-rejecting person. The tragedy is that, often, the complaint, once expressed, leads to that which is feared: further rejection.
The Return of the Prodigal
Henri Nouwen
EVENT: Full Disclosure Soulhouse May 18, 2008

This Week: Everything is Spiritual (Will Sherman, Sr., Erin Carter, Christina Wong)
Next Week: Finale, Graduation Ceremony, Merge
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
EVENT: Narnia Invades My Sweet, Awesome Pad
It was great to feel our place so full of goodness. Honestly, our couch and TV never felt as valuable as they did that night. We were glad to have you and hope to do this again real soon like.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
EVENT: Full Disclosure Common Ground May 14 2008

This Week: The Secret You: Courage (Graham Clinton):
Character is what we do when no one is looking. Reputation is what other people think of us. Are you the same in a crowd of friends, with your mom & dad, at school, alone with your special friend or just alone? Is there ever any difference? The battle is in your mind. Everyday, and then throughout the day we must battle to answer: "Fear or Faith?" How will I respond? Matthew 14:22-33: Peter walks on the water, an enormous step of courage and faith. He sinks when he chooses to fear the waves instead of choosing to have faith in Jesus.
Why the change from faith to fear? His focus changed. When we focus on the what we fear there is good reason to be afraid. When we focus on what we have faith in, Jesus, we do not sense the fears in the same way. The fears remain but they are overshadowed by our faith in a faithful God.

Monday, May 12, 2008
ANNOUNCEMENT: Podcast Update
THOUGHT: Sharing Grace
Here is a little follow-up for you on our special offering @ Soulhouse. This is part of a prayer of thanks to God that you need to know about. Well done!
"As I write this letter it is with mixed emotions. (All good.) I want first to say God has used you to speak… no yell something great at us. Something like…. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!!!!! I am clumsy with my words when thinking on the spot yet somehow when I am putting the words on paper they come out with the full meaning that I intend them. I want to make sure I do this right. So here it is.
Graham, I know we were a bit awkward with receiving that completely amazing gift you gave us. I’m sorry about that. On my part I think I was just surprised. I was truly not expecting it and wasn’t sure how to react. I know that it was also an exercise for Soulhouse in giving. I understood what you were doing and the reasons that you were doing it. I have to let you know though that God used that in a HUGE way to answer a prayer that has been on our hearts for a while. I hope by giving you some of the background info this will make more sense and maybe encourage you, or at least give you a sense of this way that God is using you (once again) to bless us and show us His compassion and love.
We have struggled a lot lately with finances (as you know )and I am continually burdened by the fact that I earn so little and we have had to struggle lately to make ends meet. The issue of tithing has come up and God has really challenged our family to trust him with everything, especially our money. In my walk with God over the last few months He has been asking me in many different ways if I really trust Him. I mean I say that I do, but do I really? And money is a pretty good litmus test, because when the bank account is virtually empty and the mortgage is due to come out and I feel that we really need to give our tithe fully, it’s a challenge of faith and trust for both us. Over the last few months, every time we have taken a seemingly scary step into that trust God has let enough money come in unexpectedly from the strangest places. Every month it’s been enough to cover our needs. Every time. That cheque was a big sign from God saying “I will take care of you! Trust me… I know your needs. I’ve got it covered. Can’t you see that? I just want you to trust me with everything you’ve got.”
With stunning clarity it seems ridiculous to hold back from God what is really His anyway but the gift from Soulhouse was the clear sign to both of us as a couple that God hears our prayers. He can use His very vast resources in ways our feeble minds can barely comprehend to supply us with what we need, and how amazing and humbling to be on the receiving end of that grace.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
ANNOUNCEMENT: Podcast Update
Don't give up!
EVENT: Full Disclosure Common Ground May 7 2008

If we are not using our gifts and talents to grow the body, the church, then we are wasting them and we are guilty of sloth. If we do not engage because we feel we are too separate from God then let's remember 1 John 1:9 learn it, love it, lean on it, live it:
1 John 1:9 (New International Version)
9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
The promise is ongoing. Just like our pursuit of righteousness is supposed to be...ongoing.Next Week: The Secret You: Courage (Graham)
Monday, May 5, 2008
EVENT: Full Disclosure Soulhouse May 4

11-12 Then he was told, "Go, stand on the mountain at attention before God. God will pass by."
Prayer is communicating with God. Good communication means we should listen and not just talk.
Next Week: Trust, Peace & the Kingdom (Jon Harvey)
EXPERIENCE: Dinner Theatre @ the Parshad's
Who doesn't like great people, great food and a show? I mean, honestly, just a great night. Maybe you should look into booking a night yourselves, you won't be disappointed. Seating is limited so book early!
I was surprised to see the high quality costumes that complimented the stellar acting. Truly an event to remember. I know Merlin had an incredible time playing with Robin and Mandi, so thank you very much. Sheryl, Finnley and I also had a great time, but probably no where near as great as Merlin:)
I also had a crazy thought while there...what about a night at Soulhouse with an all parent band? No firm plans or anything but what if? Any parents interested?
Hospitality is a blessing and we were blessed. Let's keep it going. Who will be next to keep the hospitality train running? Invite someone to your house, share time, share space, share food, share grace with each other.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
EVENT: Markham Youth Network Worship Gathering
Great job everyone.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
EVENT: Full Disclosure Common Ground April 30

Here is a warning that might be easy to dismiss.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste.
“When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.” (Proverbs 23:2)
Don't let overindulgence overwhelm you. Gluttony has not been defined just as consumption but the with holding of something that someone else needs. This expanded view certainly increases the number of people who might be dabbling in "Gluttony." What have you withheld from those around you? Love, encouragement, support, security, the truth. The list can be long.Live not just for yourself.
Next Week: Seven: Sloth/Laziness (Jon Harvey)
THOUGHT: Me, Talking, Power, God
Prayer changes things...mostly me. It gives me a chance to pour out my heart to God and therein be vulnerable. When I am vulnerable it seems that God is more able to speak to me. You know, less of me and more of Him. It is a good trade. Less of me and more of You God.
There has been a bee in my bonnet lately. A thought that just won't leave. It started from a letter I was reading. The letter wasn't addressed to me, but I read it anyway. It was still written to me, perhaps you have read it also. It was the second letter to a new, young pastor named Timothy. Yeah 2 Timothy 3:5, read it in context, but the part that has been sticking to me is just this phrase: "...having a form of godliness, but denying its power..."
That phrase has stuck with me. Is that me? Is that what I am like? How much of God's power am I DENYING? Makes me seem powerful. I can deny God's power. Makes me seem stupid. I can deny God's power. Why would I do that?
I pray God make me into Your image...but not that way.
I pray God grow me into the man you want me to be...but leave this part alone.
I pray God help me overcome my weaknesses...but just give me an instant, no effort fix.
When I pray I am confronted by what I hold back from God...too much.
"God, I don't want a form of godliness that denies Your power. Have mercy on me God, cuz I am dumb and selfish sometimes. Help me to rid myself of all the sin that so easily entangles and makes me trip when I want to run. I need your power to live well, help me to take all of my medicine. Continue to heal me from my death-style. Thanks for being patient. I am going to keep coming. I am not going to give up. Amen"