Tuesday, May 27, 2008

THOUGHT: Confession #1

Ok, so I am reading another book (I seem to read more than one at a time) and it got me to thinking. Confession, that ugly word. The problem with confession really seems to me to be the need of it. If I am to confess, that also means that there is something that requires it. I bobbled it again. I do not look forward to confession, I am glad enough that is available as an option, but I don't relish it.

Then the Lord made me aware of my unbelief, so that--however late--I might recollect my offenses and turn with all my heart to the Lord God. It was He who took heed of my insignificance. who pitied my youth and ignorance, Who watched over me before I knew Him and before I came to understand the difference between good and evil, and who protected me and comforted me as a father would his son.
aka Saint Patrick

Confession in the life of this saint was actually seen as a delight. A way to make right with God that which under any other circumstances would keep him separated. That is not how I think about confession. I stumble into and struggle against it. I want what it will provide for me but I am very cheap in what I want to pay to acquire it.
More thoughts on confession to come.


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