Thursday, May 22, 2008

THOUGHT: A little life & a little death

I am in a funeral right now. Ok well it hasn't really started. Family friend. I am amazed again at how lifeless the body seems. Maybe that seems obvious, a lifeless body at a funeral, but that is what I am struck by. Maybe if I change the word 'lifeless' to 'spirit-less' that would help. She is basically unrecognizeable without her spirit.
All of the animation that we identify inherently as that person is removed. It has escaped. It has been released. We are left looking at a shell that we barely recognize. The body has been prepared for viewing but the pictures somehow seem more real.
Our essence is our spirit, but we think it is the body. The body seems valuable now only as it relates to the spirit.
Perhaps we should spend more time caring for our essence; caring for the part of us that is really us. There is no beauty without the beauty given by the spirit.
What will heaven be like when we all are gathered together in our true uninhibited forms?


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