Friday, May 30, 2008

THOUGHT: Confession #4

and again with that confession stuff:

Consider this:

"8If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:8-9 (NIV)

Confession, when you dig back into the Greek stuff, means that we are living in agreement with God. It is not so much that we are letting God in on things He doesn't know as it is agreeing with Him that those things were sinful and damaging to our relationships (specifically our God relationship).

If you can reach this agreement then that is the beginning of power in our prayer. Confession isn't exposing some secret part of our lives as though God had no idea about our dark side. God knows. He knows everything. He most certainly is painfully aware of our deeds of evil or our deeds of selfishness (sin). Instead, confession is a brave step forward with God to look at our dark side and agree with all He has said about it in the Bible.

As simple as it sounds, this agreement with God is rare--it's hard to find. We, sadly, are all too much like Adam and Eve, crouching in the dark forest of Eden, hiding the half-eaten fruit.

What am I trying to hide from God today? What would I love to not carry anymore?



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