Monday, May 12, 2008

THOUGHT: Sharing Grace

Here is a little follow-up for you on our special offering @ Soulhouse. This is part of a prayer of thanks to God that you need to know about. Well done!

"As I write this letter it is with mixed emotions. (All good.) I want first to say God has used you to speak… no yell something great at us. Something like…. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!!!!! I am clumsy with my words when thinking on the spot yet somehow when I am putting the words on paper they come out with the full meaning that I intend them. I want to make sure I do this right. So here it is.

Graham, I know we were a bit awkward with receiving that completely amazing gift you gave us. I’m sorry about that. On my part I think I was just surprised. I was truly not expecting it and wasn’t sure how to react. I know that it was also an exercise for Soulhouse in giving. I understood what you were doing and the reasons that you were doing it. I have to let you know though that God used that in a HUGE way to answer a prayer that has been on our hearts for a while. I hope by giving you some of the background info this will make more sense and maybe encourage you, or at least give you a sense of this way that God is using you (once again) to bless us and show us His compassion and love.

We have struggled a lot lately with finances (as you know )and I am continually burdened by the fact that I earn so little and we have had to struggle lately to make ends meet. The issue of tithing has come up and God has really challenged our family to trust him with everything, especially our money. In my walk with God over the last few months He has been asking me in many different ways if I really trust Him. I mean I say that I do, but do I really? And money is a pretty good litmus test, because when the bank account is virtually empty and the mortgage is due to come out and I feel that we really need to give our tithe fully, it’s a challenge of faith and trust for both us. Over the last few months, every time we have taken a seemingly scary step into that trust God has let enough money come in unexpectedly from the strangest places. Every month it’s been enough to cover our needs. Every time. That cheque was a big sign from God saying “I will take care of you! Trust me… I know your needs. I’ve got it covered. Can’t you see that? I just want you to trust me with everything you’ve got.”

With stunning clarity it seems ridiculous to hold back from God what is really His anyway but the gift from Soulhouse was the clear sign to both of us as a couple that God hears our prayers. He can use His very vast resources in ways our feeble minds can barely comprehend to supply us with what we need, and how amazing and humbling to be on the receiving end of that grace.

Thank you for being God’s instrument of blessing and thank you for loving us as friends so much."

Thank you Soulhouse for being willing to change someone's life, to share God's grace and to build His kingdom. Let us all be reminded of God's love and grace freely given to us at all times...especially when we need it most. To be a disciple is to be generous; it is to give something away everyday. What will it be today?


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