This Week: The Secret You: Courage (Graham Clinton):
Character is what we do when no one is looking. Reputation is what other people think of us. Are you the same in a crowd of friends, with your mom & dad, at school, alone with your special friend or just alone? Is there ever any difference? The battle is in your mind. Everyday, and then throughout the day we must battle to answer: "Fear or Faith?" How will I respond? Matthew 14:22-33: Peter walks on the water, an enormous step of courage and faith. He sinks when he chooses to fear the waves instead of choosing to have faith in Jesus.
Why the change from faith to fear? His focus changed. When we focus on the what we fear there is good reason to be afraid. When we focus on what we have faith in, Jesus, we do not sense the fears in the same way. The fears remain but they are overshadowed by our faith in a faithful God.

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