Wednesday, May 21, 2008

EVENT: Full Disclosure Soulhouse May 18, 2008

Last Week: Seek Ye First (Jon Harvey): How can we honestly, thoroughly pursue God? What does it take to maintain that focus? One desire. One desire that identifies all other desires as secondary. How might I bring glory to God? How might I advance His Kingdom? Not my will but His be done. Jon Harvey took us on a journey into his recent growing edge. He has been struggling for, longing for that sense of being in the place that God wants him regardless of where that place is. Whenever we open ourselves to God in this way we must start with some level of repentance. It always seems that the very first thing God reveals to us is how we might better align ourselves with His voice. Listen, repent and be transformed so that we might all, with greater energy and vitality go forth in the way of the Spirit. To do this we must consistently "Seek Ye First..."

This Week: Everything is Spiritual (Will Sherman, Sr., Erin Carter, Christina Wong)

Next Week:
Finale, Graduation Ceremony, Merge


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