Thursday, May 1, 2008

THOUGHT: Me, Talking, Power, God

We are trying, a bunch of us anyway. We are trying to get together on a regular basis and pray for each other personally and for the churches we represent. The Youth Pastor's Prayer Gathering. It is amazing to see how many churches that there really are in the area...and we know so little about each other. How will God's people ever really stand together if we never, well, stand together?
Prayer changes things...mostly me. It gives me a chance to pour out my heart to God and therein be vulnerable. When I am vulnerable it seems that God is more able to speak to me. You know, less of me and more of Him. It is a good trade. Less of me and more of You God.
There has been a bee in my bonnet lately. A thought that just won't leave. It started from a letter I was reading. The letter wasn't addressed to me, but I read it anyway. It was still written to me, perhaps you have read it also. It was the second letter to a new, young pastor named Timothy. Yeah 2 Timothy 3:5, read it in context, but the part that has been sticking to me is just this phrase: "...having a form of godliness, but denying its power..."
That phrase has stuck with me. Is that me? Is that what I am like? How much of God's power am I DENYING? Makes me seem powerful. I can deny God's power. Makes me seem stupid. I can deny God's power. Why would I do that?
I pray God make me into Your image...but not that way.
I pray God grow me into the man you want me to be...but leave this part alone.
I pray God help me overcome my weaknesses...but just give me an instant, no effort fix.
When I pray I am confronted by what I hold back from God...too much.

"God, I don't want a form of godliness that denies Your power. Have mercy on me God, cuz I am dumb and selfish sometimes. Help me to rid myself of all the sin that so easily entangles and makes me trip when I want to run. I need your power to live well, help me to take all of my medicine. Continue to heal me from my death-style. Thanks for being patient. I am going to keep coming. I am not going to give up. Amen"


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